
SDCH De Javu's Where Eagles Dare AFTDcsdm GS-N JS-E RS-N
(Ad Astra Magnum Force x J bar D Kanorado Kate)
DOB: 1.19.2015
Color: Black-bi
Owner: Diane Sobel-Meyer

Red has earned a stellar reputation for being an excellent working dog. She is an ASCA Stockdog Champion (SDCH).

2021 ASCA Nationals Trialing Results:

  • Stockdog Finals High Combine Champion
  • Finals Sheep Champion
  • Finals Reserve Cattle Champion
  • Finals Reserve Duck Champion
Red has proven genetics, structure, and intelligence. She is a blend of some of the finest Hangin' Tree and Vest bloodlines you will find anywhere. She is a stylish worker with power and tenacity to get the job done. You will not find a better Australian Shepherd that is able to work sheep in close quarters or do a 200 yard out run, the finesse to work ducks appropriately, and an intense and powerful bite to move cattle. In addition to that she a perfect dog at home, around people, and children. She can do it all - the complete package.
  • Grit
  • Heart
  • Outruns
  • Heads & Heels